Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Written by Jen: We had been “trying” to get pregnant for a couple of months, so I had a general idea as to when I could test and see if I was pregnant. Yesterday was the day, and I used a cheap generic HPT that T.J. bought, and I thought I saw a faint line, but I couldn’t tell. I figured I’d try again this morning with another test and maybe it would be more clear. This morning, same story, I thought I saw a line, but I couldn’t be sure. I had T.J. take a look, he didn’t see anything until he compared it to an unused one, then thought *maybe* he saw a line… but we weren’t sure. I even brought them both into work to ask my coworker, Jen, what she thought. After some research and Googling, Jen decided I needed to use a digital test (and even found me a coupon for one) so we agreed I would buy the digital one and try again in the morning.

That night I had a board meeting for the Boys and Girls Club, which happened to be in the same shopping center as Target, so after the meeting, I went over to Target and purchased the digital pregnancy test. I was going to wait until the next morning, but... I couldn’t. When I got home, I went right into the bathroom and took the test. TJ was working on our new floors, and I didn’t want to tell him that I bought another pregnancy test (we still had a bunch of those less-accurate ones) since he thinks I spend too much money on all "that pregnancy stuff". When I saw the words “PREGNANT” I couldn’t believe it!

We had been trying and we both wanted this baby so badly, but I still couldn’t believe it. My legs got a little weak and I had to sit down as I felt a bit dizzy. For a brief moment (very brief), I considered not telling TJ until we were ready for bed because I really wanted him to finish the floors :) but, of course, I couldn’t even hold in the excitement, so I ran out and shoved the test in his face. He was adorable, so excited, smiling ear to ear, picking me up, hugging and kissing me and rubbing my belly, (even giving himself a “way to go” pat on his back) – it was an amazing moment. Of course the floors didn’t get finished, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

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