Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas is comin'...

It's the most wonderful time of the year... and also the most stress-inducing. Kinda hard to believe this is what the Magi expected their little journey to evolve into, huh? We do have the outside lights up, the tree is decorated, presents are bought (well, most of them), we're even mostly packed for our Christmas Eve trip to NJ. Still, it's been a little tough getting into the spirit of things this year - we're both working a lot, we're trying to get more done on the house (door casings and baseboards are our next adventure), and get everything done so that Christmas itself won't be too crazy. So, to try and get more in the mood, some non-traditional Christmas songs...
So toss in Buffett's Christmas Island cd, make a drink of holiday cheer, and embrace the holiday spirit as much as possible. Now, time for me to get to work, where there's definitely NOT a lot of Christmas spirit (we're moving our HQ to Phoenix and 100 of us are losing our jobs sometime between now and 2010).

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