Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Two Stooges

I love my wife dearly, but put her and Stacy (one of her best friends and bridesmaids) together and dumb stuff happens. Just in the two hours this morning, they've managed to:
  • Lock Stacy's keys in her trunk
  • Park right next to a "No Parking" sign
  • Fail to figure out who was taller in the 15 years they've known each other
  • Take an abbreviated bike ride to the liquor store that is 5 miles away (they got as far as the end of the driveway before realizing neither one had long enough legs to ride my bike; in retrospect, this might have been a good thing, cause God only knows what could have happened in that 10 mile round trip)
And this is all before 11am. Now we're heading to the FSU-Miami game, and then to a concert in West Palm, so it's not like things are going to be getting any calmer. Now I just gotta go find the camera since words don't usually do their antics justice... :)

UPDATE: The FSU game ended up being a complete rainout but at least the won. The girls had fun but we missed the concert afterwards.

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