Sunday, June 8, 2008

Link to the Rehearsal Dinner Presentation

Right click here, or on the title above, and choose "Save Target As" and then save the .avi file to your computer. Trying to play it off the website without saving it to your local machine can cause your computer to crash. The file is 30 minutes long and 273 mb so it's going to take some time to download - about 5 minutes on a cable modem with a strong signal.

UPDATE: looks like this isn't playable in Windows Media Player or QuickTime. I'm looking to see if there's a DivX plug-in to use, but in the meantime, you can try VLC Media Player - I use this for all my video files and it works great. Email me with any questions, and if i can find the DivX this week I will repost. Mac users you're on your own, link to any necessary downloads in the comments section if you find something that works.


Anonymous said...

What sort of player should this be viewed in? I can only get the audio to show up in Windows Media Player and Quicktime. What's the dilly?

Anonymous said...

The DivX codec for Windows doesn't work...I tried that already. The VLC player that TJ links to definitely does work though.